Name : Mariana Ramelan
NIM : 13301241053
Class : Mathematics Education C
The First
Impression of the Conference
Last week on
February 18th 2014, I moved from the boarding house to the campus. I feel very spirit
because I will meet the English language courses. In class schedule, the names
of the English teachers are Mr. Marsigit and Mr. Ilham. Even
though I can’t speak English very much but I was very excited to learn English. I wish I could learn more with Mr. Marsigit and
Mr. Ilham. It was time to learning English. I had met the previous
week with Mr Ilham
but this is my first meeting with Mr. Marsigit M.A. Immediately, Mr. Marsigit
tells about himself and lectures.
Mr. Marsigit M.A received a variety of
the world, not only mathematic but also philosophy. However, English is not
less good with mathematic and philosophy. The education backgrounds are S1,
Mathematic Education. Then S2, Mathematic Education for Primary school but the
concentration is Mathematics Education. Then S3 in the Philosophy of Mathematics
and he got title M.A when he school in University of London. I was so amazed to
see educational background. Mr. Ilham no less great, he got title MSc in
Utrecht University on Netherland. In my opinion, they education background was
very unusual and I'm very motivated to follow his trail. I hope I can to study
abroad as well.
Mr. Marsigit said that learning English
for math it should have three methods, namely: Confidence, Approach, and Strategy
and Mental. This method is very good to be applied in all respects. We want to get something not only silent but also we
must have the confidence to achieve it then we do approach with a variety of
strategies and mental. His
words are still stored in my memory is “If you want to give something, you need
approach”. From this word, I can take value that I can get my dreams if I try hard and believe
that I was able
to. Then, Mr. Marsigit said the Assumptions to Ours such as:
1. He
believes that we all also have our experience in study English.
2. We
are an adult.
The important in here
are responsibility to their life, activity, and learning.
3. We
have similar chains to learn English
4. Still
learning something and we have responsibility.
5. We
should be an active learner and very important.
6. Language
is life, so the component in there is life too.
7. Language
is communication. So, English is a near of communication
8. Learning
English for Math Education communicating Math Education in English.
In order to be able that we are can, we
must perform activity and Mr Marsigit will provide facilities. The method of
learn English in class, such as:
a. Test
every day
b. Record
c. Reflection
d. Online
activity, we have to make a comment to Mr Marsigit’s Blog that is
e. Watching
f. Presentation
about Video. We must chose one video in YouTube and then perform in class.
After Mr Marsigit explaining about all
these, I feel very interested about education backgrounds, assumptions and the
methods to teach. I think all of methods of learn English in class from Mr. Marsigit
is not difficult, but it’s very good method to speed up learning English. At first
meeting, Mr marsigit very ordinary, very cool and smart. Mr. Marsigit’s blog is
very interested because in there we can learn anymore, not only mathematics but
also English education and philosophy. I was very impressed with his
experience and everything was very proud. I
want like Mr. Marsigit and Mr. Ilham that they have high
confidence and very
creative in making English language learning methods is more fun.
Furthermore, I can get
something from Mr. Ilham’s experience when He learning in Netherland that I
can learn time
management and be able to know how important that
time. Like the words”Time is Money”. So, we must maximize the time very
well and keep discipline.
Thank You…
_Do not ever try
to quit and
never stop trying_
you are right Ana :) we must not try to quit and must not stop trying. Nice post! :)
BalasHapusyeah.. thanks for your comment..
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